Thursday, 10 October 2013

What are Hypertension and its symptoms?

Hypertension is a silent disease that has no alarming symptoms or clearly identifiable. This is what makes it dangerous and pernicious. Many people are unaware that they have hypertension! An estimated one third of people with hypertension ignore the. But sometimes some people, especially those with severe hypertension, symptoms may be more identifiable.

Generally speaking hypertension when diastolic (minimum) is greater than 90 mmHg (= 9 inches of mercury) and systolic blood pressure greater than 140 mmHg (= 14 inches of mercury). Sometimes also used values centimeter of mercury (in France), so for example 80 mmHg is equal to 8 mmHg, then divide the values by 10, he told orally at a pressure of 9/13, it is i.e. as 90 mmHg diastolic and 130 mmHg as systolic pressure.

The constantly high blood pressure damages the delicate vessels of the body. At these pre-damaged sites overlap slightly cholesterol and there are the dangerous plaques. When this happens in the renal vessels, there is a reduction in renal blood flow. The kidneys then pour more hormones (rennin), which in turn contributes to an increase of high blood pressure.

The hypertension burden vital organs such as heart, blood vessels and kidneys. The higher the blood pressure, the stronger and stronger the heart must pump against a higher vascular resistance. To get the needed strength, the heart muscle enlarges more and more. Due to the enlargement of the heart muscle it is fed with bad blood. This is why regular monitoring to measure your blood pressure with your doctor or pharmacist that is highly recommended. Add that it is always advisable to measure his blood pressure several times for better accuracy.

Symptoms of hypertension

The main and very common symptoms of hypertension are as following:- 

  • Headaches
  •  Vision problems
  •  Dizziness, fatigue
  •  Nervousness
  •  Buzzing ear
  •  Nose bleeds
  •  Palpitations...
Attention to diagnostic questions please consults your doctor. The symptoms listed here are for information only and are not intended to be exhaustive; these symptoms may also reflect another disease


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