Wednesday, 2 October 2013


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a leading cause of heart attacks, strokes and death.Having it checked a few times a year in a doctor’s clinic or at the drugstore is not enough to keep tablets on it. According to new research the regular home monitoring of blood pressure and take medicine regularly is most important in hypertension.  
A healthy diet and physical activity is paramount for high blood pressure treatment. But what is actually healthy lifestyle? Here is an overview of the main points for newly diagnosed hypertension patient.

Increase physical activity

Newly diagnosed hypertension patient should join a gym and sign up for a group exercise class.
Minimize sitting activates, for example turn off the TV and turn on some music and dance. 
Take a part in any type of sport, such as softball, soccer or volleyball.
Change some routine habits, like, Sit on an exercise ball instead of a chair. This will strengthen your abs and back.
Avoid use elevator in office and also at resident area, take the stairs
In the office walk to the farthest restroom.
In your office if you have a message or document that you need to give to someone, walk it over instead of sending it through email or inter-office mail. 

When you find some free time you must take the kids to the park for some football, basketball or a family picnic. 

Weight reduction in overweight

Newly diagnosed hypertension patient should do immediately reduction in weight, if they are overweight. Because overweight alone can put one at a higher risk of heart attack and of stroke so Being overweight and having high blood pressure also increases the likelihood of diabetes and other medical conditions. Becoming overweight can be prevented through a healthy diet and moderate exercise. If you are overweight, losing weight can greatly reduce high blood pressure or even resolve the condition.

Reduce alcohol consumption

If the patient of hypertension is drinking too much alcohol, he should stop the use of alcohol immediately. Because according to health expert the alcohol contains calories and may contribute to unwanted weight gain, which is a risk factor for high blood pressure. Also, alcohol can interfere with the effectiveness and increase the side effects of some blood pressure medications.

Smoking set out immediately

The patient of hypertension should stop the smoking because hypertensive smokers are more likely to develop severe forms of hypertension, including malignant and endovascular hypertension, an effect likely due to an accelerated atherosclerosis.  Smoking and hypertension may change the flow properties of the blood and the behavior of the arterial wall and this may explain the arterial damage observed in cigarette smokers and hypertensive patients.

Avoiding stress

Stress is also a leading cause of hypertension. It is difficult to define or measure the stress. Some people thrive on a busy lifestyle and are able to cope well with life crises. On the other hand some people feel tensed or stressed by the slightest deviation from their set daily routine. Therefore it is very important for newly diagnosed hypertension patient that he maximum avoid the stress.
You can try making a stress list. Try keeping a diary over a few weeks or so, and list the times, places, and people that aggravate your stress levels. A pattern may emerge. Is it always the traffic on the way to work that sets things off to a bad start for the day? Perhaps it's the supermarket check-out, next door's dog, a work colleague, or something similar that may occur regularly and cause you stress.


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