Marcel Ostertag is a very good and famous designer. His work consists of a mix of creative material, natural fibers and high-tech materials. He has always been where it should go for it long knew. From childhood on, fashion has a passion for the talented designer. For you, we have the career of Marcel Ostertag times together.
He was born in 1979 in Berchtesgaden. After school he started a fashion design studies at the international fashion school Esmond in Munich, but switched after a short time at the Central St. Martins College in London. During his studies, he had many side jobs with known labels such as Burberry or Paul Smith., and worked hard on the upcoming collections with. 2004 Marcel then made its undergraduate, awarded the best graduate collection. In 2006, the designer from his master's degree and shortly thereafter founded his own label under his own name. The company headquarters is still located in Munich. Ostertag opened two boutiques with designer Martina Rogy, with whom he had already worked to his student days together.
His work is presented to the designer at the fashion weeks in London, Beijing, Berlin, and in addition the "Lancome Colour Award." The previous peak of his career was in 2008: The Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Berlin, he received the award "City Kart New Generation Award" and then designed a collection for Karstadt. Meanwhile, he is one of the big names in the fashion scene and determined the fashion trends of the season with decisive. Marcel Ostertag loves challenges and this is one of the reasons why he participates as a designer for the new TV show "Fashion Hero", in which it comes in a very short time to create a collection and then to present them to the jury. , the show starts in October 2013.
His fashion is inspired by the 70s and 80s and consists of a mix of creative material, natural fibers and high-tech materials. Ostertag fashion is extravagant; he incorporated every piece of his collections intricate details. As he repeatedly stressed the German fashion is very dear to him. Therefore, his fashion is produced only in Germany. Beginning or at the shot of his fashion shows he can not take it mostly runs itself on the catwalk.
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