It is true that pregnancy is a
wonderful feeling for any woman and it is also true that it brings lots of
changes in your daily life, the phase of Pregnancy – nine months during which
many things change, especially the death of a mother and should be followed by pregnancy diet plan. A child is on and from the beginning; it has its
own needs. So it can grow and develop in the womb, it needs nutrients. It
receives from the mother through the umbilical cord. Not only have the horns of
the child grown, but the mother's body changes. Over time, the belly grows and
the breasts become larger. These visible changes to the environment as and as
the pregnancy progresses in this condition a healthy pregnancy diet
is compulsory for mother. To these must be added those changes happening within
the body and are therefore hidden. The matrix (uterus) and others develops and
blood volume of the mother at the same time increases.
The many changes that occur in the body of the mother lead
to increased nutrient requirements. So in this situation the most important question
is that, what to eat when pregnant? The body needs protein, vitamins and
minerals are particularly high in relation to a woman who is not pregnant.
Increase healthy weight

A healthy diet
Of course a healthy pregnancy diet
is important for everyone, both young and old, men or women. In some situations
of life, food plays a particularly important role. Pregnancy is one of those
situations. During pregnancy, poor nutrition has an impact on the mother and
the child.
Calcium Intake
Inadequate intake of calcium does not prejudice the
development of the fetus, because the subject of the pregnant woman, bones, is
sufficient. For the woman herself, the abuse of bone may be the first step
towards osteoporosis.
Folic acid deficiency
We should use foods high in folic
acid during pregnancy because a folic acid deficiency, for example,
will have a direct negative impact on the fetus. In early pregnancy, folic acid
deficiency can lead to severe malformation “spina bifida “(open back). How much folic acid during pregnancy is required is
also the very important question because deficiencies can have negative
consequences, but an excess can also cause problems. Alcohol, for example, is a
delicate substance. There is no direct relationship between the dose of alcohol
consumed and the effects on the fetus. Small doses may already have highly
detrimental effects. But there are also mothers who drink a lot and giving
birth to children with disabilities slightly. As a precaution, it is better to
give up alcohol during pregnancy. Overall, we can say that a healthy pregnancy diet is an
important factor for the proper development of the unborn child and it guarantees
the long-term health.
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