Pregnant woman provokes an upheaval metabolism, including
hormone levels. Pregnancy and two on average, the body does know! Some women,
apart from the absence of rules, are not subject to any particular symptom. For
others, the messages sent by the body are very clear and identifiable. Follow
the guide of indications which are seen in women during the early pregnancy.
My monthly period has stopped
"Do not menstruate, while his cycle was normal (28-30
days), or nearly regular, is the first sign of pregnancy common to the vast
majority of women," says Dr. Stéphane Bhutan, obstetrician Centre hospital
of Saint- Denis (93). In this case, do not hesitate to consult and a pregnancy test.
"A woman who takes the pill that stops must have a cycle restarts
normally. If this is not the case, do a pregnancy test, "says Dr. Bounan. According
to the doctor, there may be secondary amenorrhea related to mechanical causes (stoppered
neck, contiguous faces of the uterus ...
etc), hormone (pituitary or ovarian hormone deficiency) or psychological
(anorexia nervosa in some cases) this does, however, mean pregnancy. A medical
examination (blood tests, ultrasound) is necessary to detect the cause of the
malfunction. Conversely, some bleeding may occur early in pregnancy, usually
sepia - with pelvic pain: "It may be the warning signs of a miscarriage or
an ectopic pregnancy, it must consult and a quantitative test of pregnancy. If
the two hormones in 48 hours and the egg rate are not visible in the uterus on ultrasound,
it is an ectopic pregnancy need to operate, "said the doctor.
Nausea and vomiting
Nausea and vomiting is another signs of pregnancy
first week, which never fails: morning sickness despite best
condition. They usually appear between the 4th and 6th week in a two women and
may invite up to the third month. Do not worry; this delay is due to the action
of progesterone on the sphincter tone of the esophagus and not a bad gastro! Split
your meals, avoid high-fat foods and try lemon juice or peppery broth. Involved
sometimes disgust for certain foods or odors. Avoid them. Olfactory
hypersensitivity is one of the signs of pregnancy. Vomiting may also occur.
"Some women cannot eat or drink, lose weight, they are weak. In some cases
where their lives are disrupted, it is appropriate to the hospital to avoid dehydration,
assess the psychological context, and to exclude any other type of diseases (appendicitis,
ulcer etc...), "says Dr. Bounan.
Also note, some women drooling from the first trimester pregnancy, sometimes forcing them to wipe the mouth
or spit - which can result in vomiting caused by swallowing saliva or gastro-esophageal
Swollen breasts are very common
In the first month of
pregnancy "Some women cannot sleep on your stomach," says
Dr. Bounan. Indeed, the pregnancy often leads to rapid swelling of the chest
that becomes tense and painful and general water retention that causes weight
gain. The nipples tend to brown as well as other areas such as the vertical
line between the pubis and the navel and in some cases occur a pregnancy mask. These
estrogens that promote the stimulation of keratinocytes (skin cells). Escape to the sun and wear sunglasses and a hat!
Feel exhausted and unexplained mood swings
Feel exhausted and unexplained mood swings are also a part of
first trimester pregnancy. You put yourself in the states "not like you
"? A moody, ranging from extreme joy to tears, through irritability or
emotional tranquility... This can be a pregnancy and she is, in this case,
normal. Again, hormones! “Progesterone receptors in the brain, it acts on the
entire nervous system," explains Dr. Bounan. Hence also the feeling of exhaustion,
sometimes with difficulty getting up in the morning feeling tired...
Sometimes misleading symptoms
Pregnancy symptoms changed with the passage of time, and vary person to person. The desire for children is sometimes so strong that it is
possible to misinterpret signs. Breast tense can, for example, announce the
arrival of your period and not pregnant. Delay of menses may also be due to a
change in your menstrual cycle or, alternatively, fatigue lack of iron. That
said, nothing prevents you from spinning to the pharmacy to get a pregnancy test!
If you make an appointment with the gynecologist prior to a test, it could
possibly guess pregnancy during vaginal, but only from about six weeks.
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