Constipation is difficult to
define because it is a huge problem subject to individual variability or, which
is, to a great subjectivity so that you can understand how a depositional rate
normal. We understand as depositional rate, the frequency with which we went to
the service to evacuate. In the general healthy population, the depositional
rate ranges from 3 times a day and 3 times a week, making defecation painlessly
and effortlessly in most cases, in addition to having to end the feeling of
complete evacuation.
Constipation is not a disease as
such but rather a symptom that, given its enormous frequency, raises a number
of visits to the family doctor and in the worst case the digestive specialist. It
is important to know that constipation also may be a consequence of a disease
or condition such as thyroid problems with liver, gallbladder, menopause,
pregnancy and bowel obstruction. When constipation becomes chronic, predisposes
the onset of rheumatism, arthritis, hypertension and even cancer as it spreads
through the bloodstream, toxins throughout the body.
Symptoms of Constipation
- Pain and difficulty evacuating
- Abdominal swelling
- Dry, hard stools
- Infrequent bowel movements (once every 4 days or more)
What are the causes of constipation?
- As we mentioned above, one must distinguish occasional constipation, certain diet product, food or habit, chronic constipation is to require a study by the medical practitioner. It is necessary to note that normally play in unleashing multiple factors and is difficult to establish which one is more important.
- Traditionally established pathological groups can produce constipation, such as, functional problems or bowel motility, idiopathic constipation, Hirsch sprung disease.
- Specific diseases that present with constipation: Metabolic diseases such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, uremia, porphyria.
- Mechanical obstacles in the defecation: tumors, rectal stricture.
- Iatrogenic or drug side effects: Codeine, Antacids.
- Abdominal plain film.
- Diet low in fiber
- Certain social habits, cultural, emotional, Physical inactivity, and depression.

- In many cases, constipation is the only symptom, but sometimes is accompanied with other secondary symptoms such as bloating, abdominal swelling, bloating, mild abdominal discomfort, headache, etc...
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