Saturday, 1 February 2014
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Monday, 20 January 2014
Are fast foods to avoid while pregnant - pregnancy diet
It is a very hot topic in women that are women can eat
fries, chips and toasted bread during pregnancy or not? It is a very hot topic
in between pregnant women that is fast food falling in that particular food list
which foods to avoid during pregnancy.Some say that it is
not dangerous during pregnancy and some say it is dangerous. So we decide to do
research on it for the convenience of our readers, you read and decide that
which one is right? Already suspected carcinogen, Acryl amide, which occurs
spontaneously when cooking certain foods like French fries and chips, is again
talking about him. An international study regarding pregnancy diet plan,
published Oct. 23, 2012, has revealed that consuming a large amount of chips,
crisps and biscuits during pregnancy favor the birth of babies with weight and
head circumference below normal.
The acrymalide a toxic substance
After biphenyl a, it is the turn of Acryl amide being
fingered by a recent international study published in the journal Environmental
Health Perspectives? Acryl amide, a molecule present in all grilled foods,
fried, roasted coffee would be involved in the birth of babies with lower than
average weight.
Long used in the manufacture of plastics and cosmetics, Acryl amide is now mostly made... In our kitchens! This is excessively heating carbohydrates, by frying, baking and roasting, which would result in a formation of Acryl amide in fried as diverse as food or cookies. As per professional advice the pregnancy diet plan should follow by the mother because it is mandatory for both mother and new baby.
Acryl amide is recognized as toxic by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2002, the Food Safety Authority of Sweden (Swedish National Food Authority) already reported high levels of Acryl amide in many products. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) also monitors the levels of Acryl amide in food in 25 European countries since 2007.
Ahead, chips drop the palm of stronger levels of Acryl amide (up 1000μg/kg), followed by their sisters, fries (up 500μg/kg).
Adverse effect of Acryl amide on fetal growth
By studying the Greek and Norwegian scheme 1100 pregnant women English, Danish, Spanish, researchers have highlighted the detrimental effect of Acryl amide on fetal growth.
The effects of Acryl amide are identical to those of maternal smoking, if you believe the authors of the study. The research team, in fact, revealed that women who ate the most Acryl amide gave birth on average babies “relieved " of 132 g more than infants of women consuming low. Similarly, the head circumference of infants exposed to higher rates of Acryl amide was 3 mm smaller than unexposed babies.
For researchers, the decrease in head circumference and birth weight is associated respectively, with delayed neurological development and occurred in adulthood, serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The team hopes that their “discovery encourage food retailers to develop methods to reduce Acryl amide levels in their products."
In the meantime, a little advice if you want to reduce your intake of Acryl amide: eat everything in moderation and prefer sweet cooking like steaming as per pregnancy diet plan which is instructed by a doctor.
Important and useful tips regarding pregnancy test - early pregnancy tests
What is the right time of pregnancy test?
Do you know exactly when doing a pregnancy test? From the day after unprotected sex? On the first
day of your missed period? Rather morning fasting or quiet at night? The best
time is not always who you think...
According to a survey conducted by IPSOS and Sofibel, 6 out
of 10 women do not know when to use a pregnancy
test. Many of them thinks he can do a test before the expected date of
menses and 2%, even think that the test is carried out immediately after a
report. If you just ashamed because you feel concerned you, it's time to read
the following...
At what point in the cycle can I do a pregnancy test?
A Family Planning Association of Paris, Catherine, marriage counselor,
advises young girls from consulting to wait at least 15 days from the unprotected
to perform a urine pregnancy test
report. On the packaging of these tests, it is generally advisable to wait at
least 19 days after the last report. Although the pregnancy hormone HCG - beta
is secreted from the 8th day after fertilization, the amount may be too small
to be readily detected by a detection device sold in pharmacies. The risk of a
pregnancy test too early is to miss a pregnancy. The amount of beta -HCG then
doubling approximately every two days until the 12th week of pregnancy, the
majority of obstetricians therefore recommends that you wait the estimated time
rules, even the 5th day of delayed menstruation before perform a pregnancy test.

What time of day should I do my pregnancy test?
Once you have determined what is the best day of your cycle
to perform a pregnancy test, it remains to choose the time of day best suited.
It is often recommended by obstetricians (as in the record urinary pregnancy test) to achieve its test in
the morning, it is because the urine is more concentrated on waking and thus has
a higher rate beta -HCG.
However, urine pregnancy
test can be performed at other times of the day, since we have not drunk before,
which could dilute the hormone levels in urine and distort the results. In general, we do his test in the morning, afternoon or
evening, during pregnancy and proved if we waited until the 15th day of delayed
menstruation; the chances of missing the correct verdict are extremely thin if
it has complied with the procedure of the user of the product.
Sunday, 19 January 2014
How much folic acid during pregnancy required - Benefits of folic acid
Folic acid (also known as folate or vitamin B9) is a very
necessary vitamin, especially for women during pregnancy and the use of folic acid in pregnancy is compulsory. Folic acid
helps to grow and protect body cells and it is found in some foods, especially
green leafy vegetables, and vitamin supplements which are necessary during
pregnancy. During pregnancy, the less quantity of folic acid can cause some
serious diseases for the mother and also for baby too.
When should we start folic acid supplements?
Since folic acid is important in early pregnancy, start
taking a multivitamin with folic acid if you are trying to conceive and should
use foods with folic acid. It is important to get a daily
dose of folic acid before becoming pregnant. Continue this practice throughout
the course of pregnancy and for at least four to six weeks after childbirth and
during breastfeeding and make sure those benefits of folic acid should be reach to both mother and baby.
Neural tube defects (NTDs)

How to choose a multivitamin?
Discuss with your healthcare professional that what foods high in folic acid and how much folic acid
during pregnancy are required? If you have less risk that your baby is
suffering from neural tube defects, choose a multivitamin containing 0.4 to 1.0
milligrams (mg) of folic acid. However, if you are higher than your baby suffering from ATN risks, your healthcare provider may recommend a higher daily
dose of folic acid.
- You might incur more risk if:
- You have had a previous pregnancy affected by an NTD,
- You have a family history of NTDs,
- You belong to an ethnic group, according to research, is more at risk of NTDs (eg. Sikh or Celtic)
- You have insulin dependent diabetes,
- You are obese,
- You are taking certain medicines to treat seizure disorders,
- You have trouble remembering to take your medications,
- You are an alcoholic or addict.
If you have an increased risk, your healthcare provider may
recommend a daily intake of 5.0 milligrams of folic acid for at least three
months before conception. After 10 to 12 weeks of gestation, go to a lower dose
(0.4 to 1.0 mg) for the remainder of the pregnancy and continue this diet
during lactation.
Is it possible to take too much folic acid or vitamins?

Consumption of a dose higher than the recommended vitamins
can be harmful. Make sure you do not exceed the recommended daily dose of multivitamins.
Read the label on the container of vitamins when you buy elsewhere at the
pharmacy and take the benefits of folic acid.
Choose a multivitamin with a component of vitamin A as beta-carotene rather
than retinol, retinol since excessive intake can cause birth defects.
Basic Changing nutrient requirements in Pregnancy - Pregnancy nutrition
It is true that pregnancy is a
wonderful feeling for any woman and it is also true that it brings lots of
changes in your daily life, the phase of Pregnancy – nine months during which
many things change, especially the death of a mother and should be followed by pregnancy diet plan. A child is on and from the beginning; it has its
own needs. So it can grow and develop in the womb, it needs nutrients. It
receives from the mother through the umbilical cord. Not only have the horns of
the child grown, but the mother's body changes. Over time, the belly grows and
the breasts become larger. These visible changes to the environment as and as
the pregnancy progresses in this condition a healthy pregnancy diet
is compulsory for mother. To these must be added those changes happening within
the body and are therefore hidden. The matrix (uterus) and others develops and
blood volume of the mother at the same time increases.
The many changes that occur in the body of the mother lead
to increased nutrient requirements. So in this situation the most important question
is that, what to eat when pregnant? The body needs protein, vitamins and
minerals are particularly high in relation to a woman who is not pregnant.
Increase healthy weight

A healthy diet
Of course a healthy pregnancy diet
is important for everyone, both young and old, men or women. In some situations
of life, food plays a particularly important role. Pregnancy is one of those
situations. During pregnancy, poor nutrition has an impact on the mother and
the child.
Calcium Intake
Inadequate intake of calcium does not prejudice the
development of the fetus, because the subject of the pregnant woman, bones, is
sufficient. For the woman herself, the abuse of bone may be the first step
towards osteoporosis.
Folic acid deficiency
We should use foods high in folic
acid during pregnancy because a folic acid deficiency, for example,
will have a direct negative impact on the fetus. In early pregnancy, folic acid
deficiency can lead to severe malformation “spina bifida “(open back). How much folic acid during pregnancy is required is
also the very important question because deficiencies can have negative
consequences, but an excess can also cause problems. Alcohol, for example, is a
delicate substance. There is no direct relationship between the dose of alcohol
consumed and the effects on the fetus. Small doses may already have highly
detrimental effects. But there are also mothers who drink a lot and giving
birth to children with disabilities slightly. As a precaution, it is better to
give up alcohol during pregnancy. Overall, we can say that a healthy pregnancy diet is an
important factor for the proper development of the unborn child and it guarantees
the long-term health.
Mother at first week of pregnancy - week by week pregnancy
First week of pregnancy is very important for the mother and
also for baby, the professionals describe a week by week pregnancy analysis which shows
some interesting facts. In the first week, nothing hints that you are
pregnant and you still perceive no sign of pregnancy. Yet this is the start of
your first month of pregnancy and your first trimester and no doubt that the first trimester of pregnancy is very important. Your unborn baby
already started his training.
What is your (mother) feeling at first week?
At the start of your first trimester
pregnancy, you still leave nothing to guess that you are pregnant. It
took only one week from fertilization (3 weeks of gestation). You may not have
noticed the delay of your period or you already feel some changes in your body
like swelling of your breasts do. If you have any doubts, wait at least ten
days before taking a pregnancy test.
What is the baby’s condition at first week?
If you do not have the feeling of being pregnant, yet
everything is already running in your belly and it is quite normal in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially in the first
week. After fertilization of the ovum by the sperm, the egg begins to divide.
Everything goes very fast. At the end of the week, it will consist of 16 cells
and will be called “morula " because it will look like a small blackberry.
It will then travel for 3 days the Fallopian Flops to reach the uterus. At the
end of the week, he will begin to nest in the uterine wall is the “nesting “. Midway
through the second week, the egg will be well established and will not move for
9 months and week by week pregnancy will brings different
Foods to avoid when you trying to get pregnant - pre pregnancy diet
Pregnancy is a very important part of any female’s married
life and also it is a very sensitive matter. Before you plan to become pregnant,
it is necessary to make some basic changes in your lifestyle and eating habits
as per your pre pregnancy diet plan. You should consult your
doctor to find out exactly what you need to avoid foods when you try to get
pregnant and during pregnancy. You need to plan and prepare before you get pregnant.
The couple needs to prepare physically, emotionally and psychologically.
Lifestyle must be changed in order to have a safe pregnancy.

Some of the foods to avoid while
pregnant or when trying to get pregnant are listed below.
- Avoid soy and foods that contain soy. Estrogen is present in soy can lead to hormonal imbalance which could in turn affect egg production and ovulation. Therefore, it is important to reduce the use of several months before soybeans as you try to get pregnant.
- Stay away from frankfurters, bologna and deli meats because they contain nitrates and nitrites that are not good for women trying to conceive. Do not eat peanut butter and spinach; they deplete calcium levels in the body that is essential for the developing baby.
- Abstain from soda, food and sugary drinks, because it can lead to lower blood sugar, which in turn can disrupt the level of reproductive hormones. Caffeine should be strictly avoided. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, chocolate and many other products. Having caffeine can keep you from getting pregnant.
- Other than that, it can also cause miscarriage. It is essential to avoid smoking, alcohol and drugs. Do not take vitamins A, C and D in large quantities. Do not eat raw or undercooked meat that is. Well, not to eat raw eggs or undercooked eggs are. Soft cheese should also not be consumed.
Pregnancy symptoms - Early symptoms of pregnancy
The basic pregnancy symptoms
which we will discuss today are called the sympathetic signs. They do however
have their nice name! And are sometimes indicative of a pregnancy, it is of
course necessary to check with a blood test. Smaller inventory of
recurrent symptoms of early pregnancy.
The absence of rules
It is undoubtedly the most significant and the one we think
first. If you have a regular menstrual cycle, the lack of rules can then be an
early sign of pregnancy. During first trimester
pregnancy, it is also very common to feel tightness in the lower
abdomen, as if you have them. However, many women have irregular cycles and cannot
rely on the absence of rules. Low heavy bleeding can sometimes occur on the day
of your period. This symptom is not always the most reliable early pregnancy.
A tense and painful breast
The health of mother and symptoms week by week pregnancy
continuously changing. In early pregnancy
stage your breasts are painful, especially on the sides. They are also
harder and bigger and you do not get into your bra? This may indeed be a
telltale sign of pregnancy. If this is the case, go immediately to a bra size
that will keep well your chest. You will also see a change in the areola of the
nipple. It becomes darker with small granular swelling.
Unusual tiredness
Usually during first trimester
pregnancy, nothing can stop you. Suddenly, you turn into a real groundhog.
All you fatigue. Unrecognizable, you spend your days dozing and expect one
thing: in the evening to sleep. Do not worry; this fatigue will fade as the
first trimester of pregnancy. In the meantime, sit!
Nausea in pregnant women
Nausea is one of the very strong pregnancy symptoms,
on average; one in two women suffers from nausea. In the morning, while you
have not yet set foot on the ground, you feel smeared. Most of the morning time,
nausea may still arise at any time of day. Always have a small snack, even out
of bed. Split your meals by eating more often in smaller quantities is
sometimes effective to reduce these unpleasant symptoms. While some women
experience some unpleasant feeling nauseous, others face more severe vomiting. Do
not hesitate to talk to your doctor if this is the case and if symptoms
Deregulated power
In early symptoms of
pregnancy, it is also seen that victims of uncontrollable cravings or,
conversely, you cannot swallow anything? Such is the lot of many women in early
pregnancy. You can also find the famous cravings pregnant women and desire to
eat food now! Conversely, some foods you usually enjoy you suddenly disgusted. Nothing
alarming about that...
Sensitivity to odors in pregnant women
In addition to changing taste sensations, your nose will also play tricks on you. Wake up to the smell of toast will disgust you suddenly, your scent will please you more, or the idea of eating a roast chicken lunch sickens you in advance. This hypersensitivity to odors is also generally cause nausea and it is exist, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the opposite case, you may be going to discover a sudden passion for the smell of jasmine and coffee!
A moody during pregnancy

Frequent urge to urinate
Yes, it is well known, a pregnant woman often has pressing needs. And this happens at the beginning of pregnancy. If the weight of the baby is not yet the cause of these desires, already supports the uterus on the bladder. Constipation and bloating are also very common. Make sure not to eat a lot of fiber and drink enough water to avoid these annoyances do not last too long.
Exercise during pregnancy for women at home - Yoga poses
The habit of exercise during
pregnancy is a very good sign for both mother and baby. During
pregnancy, yoga or Pilates, have
relaxing and soothing properties that help to better prepare for the arrival of
baby. The body works to restore the balance of body and mind, yoga also helps to
overcome fatigue and prepare for childbirth. Focus on 3 postures of yoga for pregnant to make at home until the third
trimester women.
Posture lightning
Posture lightning is a very useful pose of Yoga for women in pregnancy; it
improves digestion and relieves heartburn. In addition, it strengthens the
pelvic floor muscles and relieves pain in the lower back.
How to practice?
Kneeling on the inside of each foot. The hands palms down on
your thighs and your back straight.
Lean forward and place your hands on the ground to find your
balance. Lift the hips. Only your tiptoes rest on the ground. Rock your hips
back and sit on your heels.
Place your hands, palms down on your thighs. Stay in this
position as long as possible and breathe slowly. Kneel at your feet as in the
first step. Relax.
The posture of the
The posture of the triangle is a good pose from yoga poses and it is also very important and useful
pose during pregnancy; it relaxes the whole body, tones the spine and lower
limbs. In addition, it increases energy and helps relieve back pain.
How to practice?
Standing with feet together. The arms are alongside the body
and the hands are turned inward. Spread legs wide keeping the balance. Keep
your back straight. The legs and arms are outstretched. The front foot should be
in alignment with the length of the mat while the rear leg is perpendicular to
the front leg. Beforehand is on the tibia and the back hand to the sky. Push your right leg and return to the starting position.
Relax and repeat the movement on the other side.
Posture warrior
Yoga is a very good exercise for pregnant
women and also very beneficial during pregnancy. The posture warrior
is also a very famous part of Yoga
exercises and plays a vital role in pregnancy. It opens the hips and
strengthens the legs.
How to practice?
Standing with feet together. The arms along the body and
palms facing inward. Spread your legs slightly.
The front leg is bent and turned to bust it while the rear
leg is extended. The front foot should be in alignment with the length of the
mat and the rear foot must be perpendicular to the front leg. Arms are
outstretched and hands are attached, this pose is one of the best yoga poses.Exhale and push your right leg back to the starting
position. Relax and repeat the movement on the other side.
Saturday, 18 January 2014
The role of Folic acid for preconception and pregnancy - Benefits of folic acid
The role of Folic acid for preconception and pregnancy is
very important, especially when you’re having a baby or planning a pregnancy. In
both conditions you must need to take the required quantity of folic acid and
also you should know the importance of folic acid. But it is also a very important question that how much folic acid during pregnancy is required? Here's
what you need to know about folic acid.
What is folic acid?
Folic acid (also known as folate or vitamin B9) is a vitamin
that helps to grow and protect body cells. It is found in some foods,
especially green leafy vegetables, and vitamin supplements.
Why folic acid is it
important during preconception and pregnancy?
Your body needs folic acid when cells grow and multiply very
rapidly, so you should use foods with folic acid
during pregnancy. This phenomenon occurs during pregnancy when the uterus (womb)
grows, the placenta grows a larger amount of blood circulating in the body and
the fetus grows. All these aspects mean that folic acid is important for a
healthy pregnancy.
As your body changes, your baby is also growing rapidly.
Healthy eating habits and an appropriate level of vitamins and minerals such as
folic acid before conception and during pregnancy helps reduce the risk of
birth defects. There are many benefits of folic acid
for examples, folic acid reduces the risk of birth defects such as neural tube
defects (NTDs), congenital heart disease, limb abnormalities, abnormalities
of the urinary tract, the narrowing of the lower digestive tract, and oral
facial clefts (such as cleft lip and cleft palate).
How to get folic acid
in sufficient quantity?
Folic acid is found in leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits,
whole grains and other foods. Since 1998, Canada, enriched white flour, pasta
and cornmeal are fortified with folic acid. Since then, there has been a
decrease in the rate of neural tube defects in Canada.
We should use foods high in folic
acid in the process of pregnancy, here is a list of some recommended
as food sources of folic acid:
- Fortified grains
- Spinach
- Lentils
- Chickpeas
- Asparagus
- Broccoli
- Peas
- Brussels sprouts
- Corn
- Oranges
Make sure to get daily folic sufficient acid is a challenge.
That is why the experts recommend taking a multivitamin with folic acid to
ensure the necessary amount for you and your baby. But always keep in mind that
how much folic acid during pregnancy is required?
What to eat when pregnant - pregnancy diet plan
It is very important for a pregnant woman that she must follow
healthy pregnancy diet plan and eat food and fresh fruits regularly during the
pregnancy. So it is necessary to feed them healthy and balanced before
pregnancy and after lactation.
The following points
provide the basis of a pregnancy diet plan:
Eat at regular times during the day. 3 main meals
(breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 2 or 3 snacks (nine hours, four hours and
vent. Snack late) are ideal. At each main meal, eat foods containing starch (rice, pasta,
bread, polenta, potatoes, legumes...). They provide energy and satiate. Prefer
complete products. They contain much more vitamins and minerals than refined
products, salts and foods to avoid during
which are not recommended in such condition.
- Eat 2-3 servings of fruit per day. 1 serving is approx. A “handful “of fruits. The fruits are very suitable for a snack.
- Enjoy 2-3 servings of dairy products per day. A serving is a glass of milk, a cup of yogurt (180 g) or a small piece of cheese.
- Meat, fish and eggs should not be eaten more than once per day as a main meal. It is advisable not to eat meat 2-3 days per week. Avoid sausages provide more fat than nutrients and follow the healthy pregnancy diet rules strictly.

- Drink at least 1.5 liters. Per day. Drinks listed are water, mineral water and herbal teas. In addition, two or three cups of drinks containing caffeine, such as coffee, black tea or green tea can be consumed without problems during the day.
- Sweets and treats also have their place. However, their use should be exceptional.
If you take into consideration the following points will
help to cover additional needs caused by pregnancy and also we can solve this
problem that what to eat when pregnant? Consider the fact that you should not eat for two. Emphasize
- Incorporate an additional component (eg. With nine hours or four hours) rich in dietary fiber and starch, such as a piece of bread or a few slices of crusty bread.
- Consume each day 1-2 extra servings of dairy products (eg as a snack or dessert.).
- Meat, fish or eggs should be part of a main meal at least once a day. Offal should not be consumed more than once per month during pregnancy. They are often loaded polluted materials and contain a large amount of vitamin A, which can cause birth defects (teratogenic) on the fetus. The mother should ensure the healthy pregnancy diet
You can cover the additional needs simply, quickly and balanced,
enjoying a portion Adapt Mom every day. And you are sure to receive every day
exactly the pregnancy nutrition you
need most during pregnancy. More Adapt Mom contains dietary fiber to fight
against constipation.
Alcohol and nicotine are substances that may have adverse
effects on fetal development, which is why it is better to abandon it during pregnancy.
Friday, 17 January 2014
Early signs of pregnancy first 2 weeks - pregnancy symptoms

My monthly period has stopped
"Do not menstruate, while his cycle was normal (28-30
days), or nearly regular, is the first sign of pregnancy common to the vast
majority of women," says Dr. Stéphane Bhutan, obstetrician Centre hospital
of Saint- Denis (93). In this case, do not hesitate to consult and a pregnancy test.
"A woman who takes the pill that stops must have a cycle restarts
normally. If this is not the case, do a pregnancy test, "says Dr. Bounan. According
to the doctor, there may be secondary amenorrhea related to mechanical causes (stoppered
neck, contiguous faces of the uterus ...
etc), hormone (pituitary or ovarian hormone deficiency) or psychological
(anorexia nervosa in some cases) this does, however, mean pregnancy. A medical
examination (blood tests, ultrasound) is necessary to detect the cause of the
malfunction. Conversely, some bleeding may occur early in pregnancy, usually
sepia - with pelvic pain: "It may be the warning signs of a miscarriage or
an ectopic pregnancy, it must consult and a quantitative test of pregnancy. If
the two hormones in 48 hours and the egg rate are not visible in the uterus on ultrasound,
it is an ectopic pregnancy need to operate, "said the doctor.
Nausea and vomiting

Also note, some women drooling from the first trimester pregnancy, sometimes forcing them to wipe the mouth
or spit - which can result in vomiting caused by swallowing saliva or gastro-esophageal
Swollen breasts are very common
In the first month of
pregnancy "Some women cannot sleep on your stomach," says
Dr. Bounan. Indeed, the pregnancy often leads to rapid swelling of the chest
that becomes tense and painful and general water retention that causes weight
gain. The nipples tend to brown as well as other areas such as the vertical
line between the pubis and the navel and in some cases occur a pregnancy mask. These
estrogens that promote the stimulation of keratinocytes (skin cells). Escape to the sun and wear sunglasses and a hat!
Feel exhausted and unexplained mood swings
Feel exhausted and unexplained mood swings are also a part of
first trimester pregnancy. You put yourself in the states "not like you
"? A moody, ranging from extreme joy to tears, through irritability or
emotional tranquility... This can be a pregnancy and she is, in this case,
normal. Again, hormones! “Progesterone receptors in the brain, it acts on the
entire nervous system," explains Dr. Bounan. Hence also the feeling of exhaustion,
sometimes with difficulty getting up in the morning feeling tired...
Sometimes misleading symptoms

Week 38 pregnancy - Week by week pregnancy condition of mother
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Week by week pregnancy
monitoring is very necessary when pregnant woman gets to 38 weeks, is that
delivery is imminent! It is possible that you lose your mucus plug soon and
that you are taking an uncontrollable urge to clean and organize your home. If
this is the case, do not worry because both are safe and it is quite normal in
the last weeks of pregnancy.
The condition of mother in 38th Week
In week 38 pregnancy
the mother’s hormones make her joints relax basin to facilitate childbirth. You
might have body parts that are painful, but it is a normal stage, it is time
your baby is born! If you experience contractions that are regular and they
occur at less than 10 minutes at a time, is that the work can be started. Try
to rest before the baby arrives to be ready when he arrives!
The condition of baby at this stage
At week 38 pregnancy
this stage of your pregnancy, your baby is almost identical to what it was
at the time of his birth. It measures about 50cm and its weight varies from 3
to 3.3 pounds. His reflexes are quite coordinated even if the brain is the
organ less developed. It will grow until adolescence. Whereas before its red
and white blood cells were manufactured by the liver, today is the bone marrow
that cares.
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