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Monday 20 January 2014

Are fast foods to avoid while pregnant - pregnancy diet

foods to avoid while pregnant

It is a very hot topic in women that are women can eat fries, chips and toasted bread during pregnancy or not? It is a very hot topic in between pregnant women that is fast food falling in that particular food list which foods to avoid during pregnancy.Some say that it is not dangerous during pregnancy and some say it is dangerous. So we decide to do research on it for the convenience of our readers, you read and decide that which one is right? Already suspected carcinogen, Acryl amide, which occurs spontaneously when cooking certain foods like French fries and chips, is again talking about him. An international study regarding pregnancy diet plan, published Oct. 23, 2012, has revealed that consuming a large amount of chips, crisps and biscuits during pregnancy favor the birth of babies with weight and head circumference below normal.

The acrymalide a toxic substance

After biphenyl a, it is the turn of Acryl amide being fingered by a recent international study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives? Acryl amide, a molecule present in all grilled foods, fried, roasted coffee would be involved in the birth of babies with lower than average weight.

Long used in the manufacture of plastics and cosmetics, Acryl amide is now mostly made... In our kitchens! This is excessively heating carbohydrates, by frying, baking and roasting, which would result in a formation of Acryl amide in fried as diverse as food or cookies. As per professional advice the pregnancy diet plan should follow by the mother because it is mandatory for both mother and new baby.
foods to avoid while pregnant
Acryl amide is recognized as toxic by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2002, the Food Safety Authority of Sweden (Swedish National Food Authority) already reported high levels of Acryl amide in many products. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) also monitors the levels of Acryl amide in food in 25 European countries since 2007.

Ahead, chips drop the palm of stronger levels of Acryl amide (up 1000μg/kg), followed by their sisters, fries (up 500μg/kg).

Adverse effect of Acryl amide on fetal growth

By studying the Greek and Norwegian scheme 1100 pregnant women English, Danish, Spanish, researchers have highlighted the detrimental effect of Acryl amide on fetal growth.
The effects of Acryl amide are identical to those of maternal smoking, if you believe the authors of the study. The research team, in fact, revealed that women who ate the most Acryl amide gave birth on average babies “relieved " of 132 g more than infants of women consuming low. Similarly, the head circumference of infants exposed to higher rates of Acryl amide was 3 mm smaller than unexposed babies.
For researchers, the decrease in head circumference and birth weight is associated respectively, with delayed neurological development and occurred in adulthood, serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The team hopes that their “discovery encourage food retailers to develop methods to reduce Acryl amide levels in their products."

In the meantime, a little advice if you want to reduce your intake of Acryl amide: eat everything in moderation and prefer sweet cooking like steaming as per pregnancy diet plan which is instructed by a doctor.

Important and useful tips regarding pregnancy test - early pregnancy tests

pregnancy test

What is the right time of pregnancy test?

Do you know exactly when doing a pregnancy test? From the day after unprotected sex? On the first day of your missed period? Rather morning fasting or quiet at night? The best time is not always who you think...
According to a survey conducted by IPSOS and Sofibel, 6 out of 10 women do not know when to use a pregnancy test. Many of them thinks he can do a test before the expected date of menses and 2%, even think that the test is carried out immediately after a report. If you just ashamed because you feel concerned you, it's time to read the following...

At what point in the cycle can I do a pregnancy test?

A Family Planning Association of Paris, Catherine, marriage counselor, advises young girls from consulting to wait at least 15 days from the unprotected to perform a urine pregnancy test report. On the packaging of these tests, it is generally advisable to wait at least 19 days after the last report. Although the pregnancy hormone HCG - beta is secreted from the 8th day after fertilization, the amount may be too small to be readily detected by a detection device sold in pharmacies. The risk of a pregnancy test too early is to miss a pregnancy. The amount of beta -HCG then doubling approximately every two days until the 12th week of pregnancy, the majority of obstetricians therefore recommends that you wait the estimated time rules, even the 5th day of delayed menstruation before perform a pregnancy test.

early pregnancy testsSome laboratories, marketing this type of self-diagnostic devices say they can detect pregnancy up to 4 days before the expected date of the rules (which is true, since it is possible), but at this stage, there is very strong likely to miss since the test is also capable of displaying that you are not pregnant when you are. Early diagnosis tests (J -4) would fail at 50 %. In summary, unless you rush, the more you can be sure of the reliability of the results of a pregnancy test.

What time of day should I do my pregnancy test?

Once you have determined what is the best day of your cycle to perform a pregnancy test, it remains to choose the time of day best suited. It is often recommended by obstetricians (as in the record urinary pregnancy test) to achieve its test in the morning, it is because the urine is more concentrated on waking and thus has a higher rate beta -HCG.

However, urine pregnancy test can be performed at other times of the day, since we have not drunk before, which could dilute the hormone levels in urine and distort the results. In general, we do his test in the morning, afternoon or evening, during pregnancy and proved if we waited until the 15th day of delayed menstruation; the chances of missing the correct verdict are extremely thin if it has complied with the procedure of the user of the product.